Sunday, 4 January 2015

52 Ancestors (2015) - Marin Comeau (182? - 1899) Tracadie to Inkerman New Brunswick

Another year and another 52 Ancestors challenge.  I didn't quite make it to 52 ancestors last year. I only managed to write about 31 ancestors, but that was 31 more ancestors than I had written about before and as a result I conducted a lot more research.

This week I'm writing about my Great Great Great Grandfather Marin Comeau. He was the Grandfather of my Great Grandmother Elizabeth Lebreton. I have not been able to find any record of his birth or baptism so I am not sure when or where he was actually born. All records seem to point to him being born in Tracadie, Gloucester county, New Brunswick sometime in the 1820's.

Marin married Charlotte Drisdelle August 2, 1853 in Tracadie at the St.Jean Baptiste et Ste Joseph parish. The witnesses to his marriage were Victoire Drisdelle and Michel Lebreton, possibly a relative but as yet undetermined. Unfortunately their entry in the parish registry did not include the names of their parents so I am at a bit of a brick wall in determining who their parents were.

Marin and Charlotte had at least 2 daughters born in Tracadie; Heloize born November 2, 1854 and Margaret (my Great Great Grandmother) born October 19, 1856. Sometime between the birth of Margaret and October 1858 Marin moved from Tracadie to the Inkerman area of Gloucester county, New Brunswick.

On October 26, 1858 Marin married Celeste Roussel in Inkerman at St. Michel parish. Their witnesses were Paschal LaClare and Marie Como (relative of Marin's ?). Again neither of their parents were listed in the parish registry of their marriage, still no link to Marin's parents.

I have been unable to find any record of where Marin lived between 1858 and 1871 but I assume it was in the Inkerman area. In 1871, Marin, Celeste and Margaret were living in Inkerman in the same household as another family (Isiah, Ann, John and Elizabeth Albert). Marin's occupation was listed as Farmer and Shingle Maker. In 1881, Marin was earning a living as a day labourer. He and Celeste were living on their own in a household next door to Margaret and her family. By 1891, Marin and Celeste were living with Margaret and her family with no occupation being identified for Marin.

Death came to Marin on April 9, 1899 as a result of contracting consumption (tuberculosis).
Marin Comeau Death Certificate from NB Archives

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